Management Effectiveness of Students Socialization as a Development Imperative of Cultures Dialogue and Civilizations Partnership


  • Rimma R. Khanmurzina
  • Marina B. Kozhanova
  • Olga P. Zabolotskikh
  • Olga A. Petukhova
  • Alfiya Sh. Yarullina
  • Diana F. Kajumova
  • Marat N. Badrutdinov
  • Guzel B. Sayfutdinova


The relevance of the study is conditioned by the ways' search to prevent the civilizations' clash and to settle local inter-civilizational conflicts. In the context of globalization the world is increasingly integrated into a single wholeness which is constantly faced with the necessity of cultural pluralism in problems' solving of contemporaneity. At the end of the twentieth century, with the initiative of the United Nations the idea of an "Alliance of civilizations" appeared aimed at eliminating of the gap between Muslim and Christian communities. The society demanded from research universities training of professionals, which are not only competitive in the labor market, but also possess civil position, ready to self-realization and construction of their own life in the flux of social transformations. The article is aimed at clarifying of the management peculiarities of national research University students' socialization as a development imperative of the cultures' dialogue and civilizations' partnership. The leading method is the method of action research (AR), allowing to obtain new knowledge about the interaction processes of socialization, cultures' dialogue and civilizations' partnership and to develop the management mechanism of national research University students' socialization as a development imperative of the cultures' dialogue and civilizations' partnership. The article reveals the essence of socialization, cultures' dialogue and civilizations' partnership;  gives the characteristic of professional education as agent of socialization; clarifies universal mechanisms of socialization (traditional, institutional, stylized, interpersonal, reflexive); determines pedagogical principles (dialectic inclusion of national culture in national and world culture system, multicultural identity and self-actualization of personality, axiological, multiculturalism) of management of national research University students' socialization as a development imperative of the cultures' dialogue and civilizations' partnership; clarifies pedagogical tools (content and technology) and pedagogical conditions (inclusion in the educational content of the educational material that provides the dialectical relationship between national identity of the learners with the development of social and moral norms of behavior; formation of the system of cultural imperatives; the formation of an integrated poly-cultural worldview in all agents of socialization) of management effectiveness in national research University students' socialization as a development imperative of the cultures' dialogue and civilizations' partnership; presents the developed management mechanism in the socialization of students of national research University as a development imperative of the dialogue of cultures and partnership of civilizations. The paper submissions can be useful for teachers of research universities; specialists of centers of qualification improvement and personnel retraining the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff of research universities.Keywords: Research Universities, Dialogue of Cultures, Partnership of Civilizations, Socialization of Students, Management.JEL Classifications: A23, I23, I26


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How to Cite

Khanmurzina, R. R., Kozhanova, M. B., Zabolotskikh, O. P., Petukhova, O. A., Yarullina, A. S., Kajumova, D. F., … Sayfutdinova, G. B. (2016). Management Effectiveness of Students Socialization as a Development Imperative of Cultures Dialogue and Civilizations Partnership. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2S), 177–183. Retrieved from
  • Abstract 162
  • PDF 117