Tourism Education in the Tourism Industry as a Key to Competitiveness


  • Galina Romanova
  • Sergei Romanov
  • Alexey Popov
  • Raisa Kushevsckaya


Over recent decades, tourism development in most countries has become an ultimately favoured and viable area of business and commerce. Travel and tourism industry is seen both as a highly profitable option for investment, and a solid source of new jobs and national income. These advantages of tourism are considerably stronger than benefits of other economic activities. Tourism is also an agent in good-neighbourly relations of peoples and nations, which is a very important role in the modern context. The article shares outcomes of a SWOT analysis of the current system of tourism higher education in Russia by presenting a structured assessment of the situation, findings of the survey regarding tourism employer's satisfaction with the graduates' higher education quality in the Services and Tourism fields. Results of the criteria-based quality assessment of the graduates' higher education quality, and the list of most significant criteria for benchmarking graduates' higher education quality and employers' needs.Keywords: education quality assessment, tourism, hotel businessJEL Classifications: L83, Z32


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How to Cite

Romanova, G., Romanov, S., Popov, A., & Kushevsckaya, R. (2016). Tourism Education in the Tourism Industry as a Key to Competitiveness. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1S), 107–113. Retrieved from
  • Abstract 114
  • PDF 185