An Analysis of Electricity Generation with Renewable Resources in Germany


  • Eduardo Vicente Mendoza Merchán Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • Moisés David Velásquez Gutiérrez Universidad de la Costa
  • Diego Armando Medina Montenegro Universidad de la Costa
  • José Ricardo Nuñez Alvarez Universidad de la Costa
  • John William Grimaldo Guerrero Universidad de la Costa


Germany has an experience of renewable energy policies that encourages their usage, achieving technological migration and the redesign of its power generation matrix, achieving 112 GW of renewable resources at 2017. The research presents an analysis between the energy policies and the electricity statistics, the results forecast a date in which they will reach the goal of 50% of annual generation of total electric power by renewable sources, a goal set in 2012.Keywords: Energy policy, Renewable Energy, Forecasting, Energiewende.JEL Classifications: K29, Q48DOI:


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Vicente Mendoza Merchán, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil

Department of control and automation

Moisés David Velásquez Gutiérrez, Universidad de la Costa

Graduate Student of Electrical Engineering

Diego Armando Medina Montenegro, Universidad de la Costa

Student of Electrical Engineering

José Ricardo Nuñez Alvarez, Universidad de la Costa

Department of Energy

John William Grimaldo Guerrero, Universidad de la Costa

Department of Energy




How to Cite

Mendoza Merchán, E. V., Velásquez Gutiérrez, M. D., Medina Montenegro, D. A., Nuñez Alvarez, J. R., & Grimaldo Guerrero, J. W. (2020). An Analysis of Electricity Generation with Renewable Resources in Germany. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(5), 361–367. Retrieved from


