A Decade of Green Economic Literature: An Analysis-Based Bibliometric


  • Hamza Alqudah Department of Accounting, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Irbid National University, Irbid 2600, Jordan
  • Mohammad Al-Qudah Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • Yazan Abu Huson Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • Abdalwali Lutfi College of Business Administration, The University of Kalba, Kalba, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; & Department of Accounting, College of Business, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia; & MEU Research Unit, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan; & Applied Science Research Center, Applied Science Private University, Jordan; & Jadara University Research Center, Jadara University, Jordan
  • Mahmaod Alrawad Quantitative Method, College of Business Administration, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia; & College of Business Administration and Economics, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an 71111, Jordan
  • Mohammed Amin Almaiah Department of Computer Science, King Abdullah the II IT School, the University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan




Green Economics, Sustainable Economics, Bibliometrics, Literature Review, Web of Science


This research significantly contributes to comprehending the body of work surrounding green economics and sustainable economies by methodically reviewing and categorizing papers from the Web of Science (WoS) core collection. It highlights key authors, subjects, publishing sources, and nations relevant to green economic studies by meticulously analyzing 4,157 papers. Additionally, it constructs detailed visual maps based on referenced sources. By conducting a thorough bibliometric analysis, this study underscores the importance of using such tools to gauge research impact and productivity. Leveraging the WoS Core Collection, particularly the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index, was deliberate to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of green economic research. The data accentuates the changing landscape of this field, indicating its growing significance and the expanding academic discussions around sustainable economic practices. The research delves into emerging research directions that could inform considerations for a sustainable economy. Despite the marked increase in publications in recent years, signaling heightened interest in green economics and sustainable economy studies, this field remains in its infancy, with limited quantitative studies conducted. Consequently, many findings remain inconclusive, and numerous aspects in literature remain unexplored. Finally, this study outlines both practical and theoretical implications gleaned from its findings.


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How to Cite

Alqudah, H., Al-Qudah, M., Huson, Y. A., Lutfi, A., Alrawad, M., & Almaiah, M. A. (2024). A Decade of Green Economic Literature: An Analysis-Based Bibliometric. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 14(3), 497–511. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.15579


